Capital Campaign » Ways to Give

Ways to Give

How to Give

There are many options to help meet your needs while supporting St. Joe in a meaningful way. Selecting the best gift plan depends on your personal financial situation and goals. You may want to consider stretching pledges over a three-year period to maximize the total amount of support. This commitment can be fulfilled through monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual installments.

2 students working at lab table with science teacher


Pledges are commitments made in good faith. Because tax laws change and each situation is unique, donors are encouraged to consult with their financial advisors to determine which method of contributing is most beneficial.


Cash or Check

Gifts made by cash or check are the most common and will allow St. Joe to address its immediate needs. Checks should be made payable to St. Joseph Catholic School and in the memo line please write: We Are St. Joe Capital Campaign.


Online Giving

To enroll in online giving visit and under the “giving” tab click on the “donation” link. Additional online giving information or assistance is available at the school office.


Gifts of Securities

Gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds are encouraged when supporters want to make a charitable gift and avoid capital gains tax. Please reach out to Candace Sigler in the Advancement Department for delivery details to share with your brokerage provider to complete your gift to the We Are St. Joe Capital Campaign.


Direct Qualified Charitable Distribution from a Retirement Account

Benefactors can make charitable gifts using funds from tax-deferred individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Donors may use this strategy to satisfy part, or all, of their required minimum distribution and lower overall tax liability to benefit St. Joe.


Planned Gifts

Planned gifts provide opportunities to make a meaningful commitment to the campaign now as part of your financial and estate planning. Such gifts can allow donors to accomplish charitable giving goals and take advantage of tax laws. Opportunities may include:

  • Bequests from a will or a living trust
  • Life insurance
  • Real estate
  • Designating St. Joe as a beneficiary (for example, brokerage transfer on death agreement, retirement account beneficiaries or life insurance beneficiaries)
  • Various trust options (for example, a charitable lead trust)