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Physical Education, Head Coach Varsity and Middle School Basketball
General email account for the business office
General email account for the front office
E. Lambert
Administrative Assistant/Federal Programs Coordinator, Head Coach Archery
AP Government & Politics, Honors Economics, Club Sponsor Model United Nations
Geometry, Honors Geometry
Latin, Tech Skills, Learning Strategies
Band, 7th Grade Music, Band 8, Beginner Band, Literature in Film
Spanish I & II, Assistant Coach Cross Country
World History, Psychology, Website Admin
AP Literature, Dual Credit English, English IV
C. Callahan
Class of 2008, Science Teacher, Assistant Technology Director
Physics, Engineering, AP Computer Science
Learning Strategies and Reading Skills
Broadcast Journalism, Middle School Journalism, Print Journalism, Sports Journalism
Assistant Coach Football, Baseball
R. Collins
Class of 2018, Science Teacher, Head Coach Middle School Football, Head Coach Golf
STEM Science 8, Varsity Football Assistant
Chemistry I, Botany, Environmental Science
Trigonometry, PreCalculus
E. Lambert
Administrative Assistant/Federal Programs Coordinator, Head Coach Archery
AP Government & Politics, Honors Economics, Club Sponsor Model United Nations
Algebra II Honors, Trig/PreCalculus Honors
AP English Language, English III, Chess Club Sponsor
AP US History, US History I, Anthropology
AP Calculus BC, Calculus, Dual Credit College Algebra and Trigonometry
Theology I, Learning Strategies
Government and Economics; US History II Honors, Assistant Coach Girls' and Boys' Soccer, Diamond Girls Sponsor
8th Grade Math, Algebra I
English I, ACT Prep, Learning Strategies
Algebra I & II, Assistant Coach Football
Theology II, Assistant Coach Varsity Softball and Baseball
Theology IV, Assistant Coach Middle School Basketball
Biology I, Biology I Honors, AP Biology
AP Chemistry, Chemistry I Honors
Religion 7, Learning Strategies
Science 7
Middle School Girls Basketball Coach
Physical Education, Head Coach Varsity and Middle School Basketball
Assistant Coach Soccer, Assistant Coach Cross Country, Assistant Coach Track
E. Lambert
Administrative Assistant/Federal Programs Coordinator, Head Coach Archery
AP Government & Politics, Honors Economics, Club Sponsor Model United Nations
Religion 7, Learning Strategies
Science 7
Middle School Girls Basketball Coach